Square Drive Flat Head Silicon Bronze Wood Screws - 50% Off!

The best material for corrosion resistance in marine use, salt water or fresh water, is silicon bronze. These quality silicon bronze wood screws are full body, cut thread for a tight seal.

(*) Fasteners are shipped separately. If ordered with another product, additional shipping charges will be added to your order. If ordered separately, standard shipping charges will apply.

Price shown is 50% OFF! Discontinued item, limited quantities available.

Square Drive Flat Head Silicon Bronze Wood Screws
Full Body, Cut Thread- 50% Off!

Display NamePrice/UnitUnit Quantity
8 X 7/8 Square Drive Flat SB WS - 100 12.00 100
8 X 1-1/2 Square Drive Flat SB WS - 100 6.00 30
8 X 1-3/4 Square Drive Flat SB WS - 100 22.00 100
0.00 100
0.00 100
0.00 100
0.00 100